Category: Stories of Others

  • Renée’s DDH Story

    Renée’s DDH Story During pregnancy Levi was a stubborn little thing, and despite my best efforts he found a comfortable spot and stayed there. Unfortunately his comfy spot was in the ‘frank breech’ position, which means he was bottom down with his legs extended up around his head (basically in a ‘U’ shape). The breech…

  • Ashlee’s DDH Story

     Ashlee’s DDH Story When my daughter Sophie was 6-weeks old her health nurse noticed the fat folds in her thighs were not even so she sent us for an ultrasound. At this point in time I didn’t think much of it, and thought they were being a bit overly cautious. The results of her scan…

  • PAO surgery for hip dysplasia

    PAO Surgery for hip dysplasia – Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) The hip joint is made up of the ball (head of the femur / thigh bone) and socket or cup (acetabulum part of the pelvis) . If these don’t fit together properly, wear and tear can cause the joint to deteriorate.  When hip dysplasia is affecting…

  • DDH Stories – Jacqui’s Story

    DDH Stories – Jacqui’s Story   We have just (today) finished our journey in a hip brace. We are thrilled that our daughter’s hips are fixed and she no longer has to wear the brace. Your page was such good support, thank you.   Here is Lucy’s Story: Lucy nearly ticked all the boxes for…