Category: Insights

  • 5 Tips To Help Cope At Hip Dysplasia Reviews

    It’s ‘that time’ again – review time… Our journey has not been as challenging as some, but not as fast as others; it is our journey and no two are the same. For those of you who’ve only recently come to know about hip dysplasia and Healthy Hips Australia (HHA), I am Sarah, HHA’s founder,…

  • Survive hip dysplasia without becoming a patient yourself

    Survive hip dysplasia without becoming a patient yourself – look after your back! Most commonly talked about in the work place, you rarely hear one parent talking to another about manual handling. Yet, during treatment for hip dysplasia, and in particular for older children, manual handling hazards are a daily occurrence. It’s often overlooked, as…

  • Hip dysplasia diagnosis

    Ten fingers…ten toes…healthy hips… Newborns are meant to have their hips checked, to make sure they are healthy, straight after they are born and again before they leave hospital. Immediately after birth, the ligaments around the hip joint can be loose in some newborns, making their hip slip out of place. The repeat hip-check before…

  • Insight into hip dysplasia from a parent and health professional

    As I got the best cuddle tonight from my youngest, Maya, I was overwhelmed with love and admiration for all of her recent developments: pointing, getting on her trike by herself and, best of all, giving me hugs. Fourteen months is such a beautiful age — I remember wanting to press pause on time with…