Category: Insights

  • Early versus late diagnosed DDH

    Early versus late diagnosed hip dysplasia stories  Both are equally as overwhelming, and each pose their challenges, but we know which we’d choose if we were faced with one or the other. Late Diagnosis Case: Jem was diagnosed late at 13mths of age. Her birth was normal, she sat, rolled and crawled meeting all milestones…

  • PAO surgery for hip dysplasia

    PAO Surgery for hip dysplasia – Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) The hip joint is made up of the ball (head of the femur / thigh bone) and socket or cup (acetabulum part of the pelvis) . If these don’t fit together properly, wear and tear can cause the joint to deteriorate.  When hip dysplasia is affecting…

  • More hip dysplasia awareness needed

    More hip dysplasia awareness needed Up to 1 in 50 babies are treated for hip dysplasia in Australia What is hip dysplasia?   The hip joint is made up of a ball and socket; the femoral head of the thigh bone (femur) is the ball and the acetabulum of the pelvis is the socket. Loose…

  • Swaddling warning warranted

    Swaddling warning warranted A warning against swaddling tends to provoke a response that is dismissive of the professionals raising the warning, as after all recommendations are changing all the time…right? As a parent, health professional, advocate for hip dysplasia,  and Founder of Healthy Hips Australia, I endorse swaddling warnings about the impact that incorrect swaddling is having…