Category: Support Us

  • Baby sleeping bag new Hip Wise Partner

    Baby sleeping bag giving more than a warm night’s sleep When Jessica’s daughter, Mackenzie, was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 8-weeks old, she found it hard to keep her warm during Melbourne’s winter. Understanding the trials and tribulations of life with a baby in a Pavlik Harness Jessica, together with her mum Kathy, created Hipsleepers…

  • Are you a patient or parent/guardian of a child with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)?

    Are you a patient or parent/guardian of a child with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)? Please consider taking our survey to gather patient and family demographics and experiences with DDH. The purpose of this survey is to better understand you/your child’s experiences with the DDH care process. This survey is only for adults over the…

  • Healthy Hips Week Media Story Standby List


  • Hipster Skele’s Message

    Hipster Skele’s Message   Thanks for popping over to check out Hipster Skele’s message. November 2nd is Healthy Hips Day – a day to wear green, donate & talk hips to help stop late diagnosed hip dysplasia!   Why is this important? Approximately 11 children a day are diagnosed with hip dysplasia in Australia, and the incidence…