
Babywearing has become very popular as more and more parents adopt attachment parenting principles to raise their children. Many parents fear they can no longer carry their child in a carrier or sling during treatment for hip dysplasia. This is not the case, in fact, babywearing is recommended by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (;

“When proper hip position is maintained while babywearing, there may be substantial benefit for natural hip development. The Frog Squat position – also known as the M-Position, or Jockey Position – is recommended with the thighs spread around the mother’s torso and the hips bent so the knees are slightly higher than the buttocks or at the level of the buttocks with the thighs supported. This practice may decrease the risk of hip dysplasia, and should be encouraged in regions with high prevalence of hip dysplasia especially where screening and treatment are insufficient.”

The following handout provides some general recommendations to follow to facilitate safe babywearing regardless of presence of hip dysplasia.




