Swaddle with the hips in mind

Swaddle with the hips in mind

Swaddling or wrapping, is a tried and tested technique with lots of advocates, but most parents have never practiced it until their little bundle of joy is wriggling, and often crying, in front of them. Done right, wrapping comforts both babies and parents alike. With a host of other benefits, its no wonder most parents LOVE to swaddle their babies for as long as possible.

Merino Kids Cocooi Babywrap

There is significant research linking swaddling to developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Warnings pop up in the media every few years, which sparks fear and worry amongst new parents, but the 2-minute clips just leave most feeling frustrated and confused.

Tips to swaddle with the hips in mind:

  1. Take the time to learn the different methods to swaddle safely using a cloth wrap and practice, practice, practice.                  
  2. Make sure the hips and legs are free to move into a healthy hip position. [Image Source: Victorian Paediatric Orthopaedic Network]swaddling
  3. When using a commercial swaddle or sleeping bag look for those that provide ample room for the hips and legs. The International Hip Dysplasia Institute have a list of Hip-Healthy Products.

Why is this important?

Hip dysplasia occurs when the ball and socket of the hip do not fit together in their ‘normal’ position. Sometimes this is due to abnormal development and/or lack of growth.

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Learn the potential signs and symptoms of hip dysplasia so you know what to look out for (see flyer below).

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Early diagnosis optimises the success of treatment. More information on treatment here.

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Early versus late diagnosis


The impact of late diagnosis


Hip dysplasia is the most common cause of hip arthritis in adults; it affects people across the lifespan. You can help stop late diagnosis and unnecessary incidences of hip dysplasia in Australia.

Help improve hip dysplasia awareness now by sharing this with your family and friends today.

HHA Donations Appeal

We rely on community support to raise awareness for this poorly understood condition. Please support us today.



About Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia Signs & Symptoms

Royal Children’s Hospital Video on Safe Wrapping

Victorian Paediatric Orthopaedic Network Safe Wrapping Flyer – Royal Children’s Hospital

SIDS Safe Sleeping Information Statement – Wrapping Babies

SIDS and Kids Safe Wrapping – Guidelines for safe wrapping of young babies

Swaddling: IHDI Position Statement

Written: November 2016


This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. Healthy Hips Australia accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading. This can be reproduce with acknowledgement to Healthy Hips Australia. Handouts are available to download free of charge at www.healthyhipsaustralia.org.au



